Two bearded guys head home from a construction site and alas, we follow the guy with the less interesting beard, who makes a stew of everything edible in his fridge, like we did after thanksgiving. Long-take, follow-cam, 4:3, meditative fest-film – too quiet and patient for Katy, who ditched after five minutes.
The guy is getting his car repaired for a trip to his mom’s house, where he’s hinting he might stay for a long period, and in the meantime he visits coworkers and friends and family, dropping off bowls of soup. People talk about plants, and their dreams, and eat soup. He meets a woman who studies moss (whose thoughts we’d heard in an earlier scene) at a restaurant, then sees his sister Anca, and briefly dreams the movie’s best scene: crossfades and focus pulls in the forest. When he runs into the moss woman a second time he drops everything to follow her for a quiet day in the woods before finally exiting Brussels (leaving behind soup for her).
Devos in Cinema Scope:
“What is it that I want to do? I think it came down to wanting to make films about people being relatively OK with each other, and making that into something challenging and exciting enough to stand on its own.”