Rabbit is an animated children’s book (complete with labels on everything) about a couple greedy, murderous kids getting their comeuppance via death by insects.
City Paradise is a cute Japanese girl learning English and wearing flippers – very nice look to it, reminds me of the Dave McKean short Neon.
Everything Will Be OK – good Hertzfeldt short, totally different style from the rest. More “mature” they’ll probably say. Too multilayered, sometimes hard to hear, gotta see again. Makes me a lot less apprehensive to see “The Meaning of Life” cuz even if it sucks I know he’s recovered since.
I watched this again a while later.
Collision – stars and stripes from flags colliding in neat ways. Pretty, short.
9 – awesome looking film of sock puppet guy with nightvision goggles, the ninth and last in a line of goggled puppets, using all his resources to defeat a giant rabbit monster. Soon to be a major motion picture by producer Tim Burton, who used up the only original ideas he’s had in a decade on “Big Fish”.
Eaux Forte – a light sketch sort of thing that I tuned out to recharge my mind’s batteries.
Overtime – funeral of a puppeteer given by the puppets, nice.
Dreams and Desires – funny, early plympton-looking drawn animation about a woman with dreams of being a great filmmaker making a horrible, drunken wedding video.
Game Over – video game scenes recreated with food, hilarious.
Guide Dog – surprisingly great plympton… I guess I like him again.
No Room For Gerold – CG animals sitting around a table having a confrontational roommate argument.
Versus – more CG, warlords on their own island castles fight over the tiny island between them, got big laffs.
TAS website says: “Versus” was directed by François Caffiaux, Romain Noel, and Thomas Salas from the French animation college Supinifocom. This is the same school that the film “Overtime” came out of. “Versus” has been one of the ‘hidden’ films in our current lineup but easily one of the better received audience favorites. More info on it soon!