Supposed to be a full feature, but cut down to 45 minutes after initial screenings. Probably they cut most of the plot, since what we’re left with is a slowish intro, an awesome running-on-train-cars gag, then a huge dream sequence where Keaton goes inside a movie screen for the tightest collection of astonishing gags probably ever performed. Jumping right through his assistant, through a window into an old lady costume, riding the handlebars of a motorcycle, and an exploding billiards game.
The intro to the dream/movie sequence is great, scene-change backdrops changing under Keaton as he tries to adapt. Cute ending too, shy Keaton looking to the movie screen for advice on what to do with his girl. Only possible thing wrong with this movie is the horrid score on the DVD… will have to find something appropriate to play next time I watch it.